Recording Events
Log events such as agent actions, LLM calls, tool calls, and errors. See Event Class.
To get the most out of AgentOps, it is best to carefully consider what events to record - not simply record whatever your agent is logging. AgentOps offers two ways to record events:
(str): Type of the event.
To make AgentOps easier to integrate, we also provide a function decorator to automatically creates and records an event for your function.
The decorator will record the function’s parameters, returns, and the time duration. We suggest using this on functions that take a long time and contain nested functions. For example, if you decorate a function that makes several openai calls, then each openai call will show in the replay graph as a child of the decorated function.
From this point, simply call the .record() method in the AgentOps client:
Record any child of the Event type or ErrorEvent.