These are the functions and classes available with simply import agentops



The first element of AgentOps is always calling .init()


  • api_key (str, optional): API Key for AgentOps services. If not provided, the key will be read from the AGENTOPS_API_KEY environment variable.
  • parent_key (str, optional): Organization key to give visibility of all user sessions within the user’s organization. If not provided, the key will be read from the AGENTOPS_PARENT_KEY environment variable.
  • endpoint (str, optional): The endpoint for the AgentOps service. Defaults to ’‘.
  • max_wait_time (int, optional): The maximum time to wait in milliseconds before flushing the queue. Defaults to 30,000 (30 seconds).
  • max_queue_size (int, optional): The maximum size of the event queue. Defaults to 100.
  • tags (List[str], optional): Tags for the sessions for grouping or sorting (e.g., [“GPT-4”]).
  • override (bool, optional): [Deprecated] Use instrument_llm_calls instead to decide whether to instrument LLM calls and emit LLMEvents.
  • instrument_llm_calls (bool): Whether to instrument LLM calls and emit LLMEvents.
  • auto_start_session (bool): Whether to start a session automatically when the client is created. You may wish to delay starting a session in order to do additional setup or starting a session on a child process.
  • inherited_session_id (str, optional): When creating the client, passing in this value will connect the client to an existing session. This is useful when having separate processes contribute to the same session.


  • Session ID of the current or new session.


Start a new Session for recording events.


  • tags (List[str], optional): Tags for the session.
  • config (Configuration, optional): Client configuration object.
  • inherited_session_id (str, optional): Session ID to continue from an existing session.


  • Session ID of the started session.


End the current session with the AgentOps service.


  • end_state (str): The final state of the session. Options: Success, Fail, or Indeterminate.
  • end_state_reason (str, optional): The reason for ending the session.
  • video (str, optional): URL to a video recording of the session.


Record an event with the AgentOps service.


  • event (Union[Event, ErrorEvent]): The event to record.


Append to session tags at runtime.


  • tags (List[str]): The list of tags to append.


Replace session tags at runtime.


  • tags (List[str]): The list of tags to set.


Retrieve the API key used by the client.


  • API key as a string.


Set the parent API key which has visibility over projects it is a parent of.


  • parent_key (str): The API key of the parent organization to set.


Stop instrumenting LLM calls. This is typically used by agent frameworks (i.e. CrewAI, autogen) to stop using the AgentOps auto instrumentation of LLM libraries like OpenAI. This allows these frameworks to use their own instrumenting or callback handler.



Stores the configuration settings for AgentOps clients.


  • api_key (str, optional): API Key for AgentOps services. If not provided, the key will be read from the AGENTOPS_API_KEY environment variable. If no key is found, a ConfigurationError is raised.
  • parent_key (str, optional): Organization key to give visibility of all user sessions within the user’s organization. If not provided, the key will be read from the AGENTOPS_PARENT_KEY environment variable.
  • endpoint (str, optional): The endpoint for the AgentOps service. If not provided, the endpoint will be read from the AGENTOPS_API_ENDPOINT environment variable. Defaults to ’‘.
  • max_wait_time (int, optional): The maximum time to wait in milliseconds before flushing the queue. Defaults to 30000.
  • max_queue_size (int, optional): The maximum size of the event queue. Defaults to 100.


  • api_key (str): Get or set the API Key for AgentOps services.
  • endpoint (str): Get or set the endpoint for the AgentOps service.
  • max_wait_time (int): Get or set the maximum wait time in milliseconds before flushing the queue.
  • max_queue_size (int): Get or set the maximum size of the event queue.
  • parent_key (str, optional): Get or set the organization key for session visibility.



This callback handler is intended to be used as an option in place of AgentOps auto-instrumenting. This is only useful when using Langchain as your LLM calling library.