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Multiple Concurrent Sessions

This example will show you how to run multiple sessions concurrently, assigning LLM calls to a specific session.

First let’s install the required packages:

pip install -U openai
pip install -U agentops
pip install -U python-dotenv

Then import them:

from openai import OpenAI
import agentops
from agentops import ActionEvent
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

Next, we’ll set our API keys. There are several ways to do this, the code below is just the most foolproof way for the purposes of this example. It accounts for both users who use environment variables and those who just want to set the API Key here.

Get an AgentOps API key

  1. Create an environment variable in a .env file or other method. By default, the AgentOps init() function will look for an environment variable named AGENTOPS_API_KEY. Or…

  2. Replace <your_agentops_key> below and pass in the optional api_key parameter to the AgentOps init(api_key=...) function. Remember not to commit your API key to a public repo!

OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") or "<your_openai_key>"
AGENTOPS_API_KEY = os.getenv("AGENTOPS_API_KEY") or "<your_agentops_key>"

Then, of course, lets init AgentOps. We’re going to bypass creating a session automatically for the sake of showing it below.

agentops.init(AGENTOPS_API_KEY, auto_start_session=False)
openai = OpenAI()

Now lets create two sessions, each with an identifiable tag.

session_1 = agentops.start_session(tags=["multi-session-test-1"])
session_2 = agentops.start_session(tags=["multi-session-test-2"])

print("session_id_1: {}".format(session_1.session_id))
print("session_id_2: {}".format(session_2.session_id))

LLM Calls

Now lets go ahead and make our first OpenAI LLM call. The challenge with having multiple sessions at the same time is that there is no way for AgentOps to know what LLM call is intended to pertain to what active session. This means we need to do a little extra work in one of two ways.

messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello"}]

Patching Function

This method involves wrapping the LLM call withing a function on session. It can look a little counter-intuitive, but it easily tells us what session the call belongs to.

# option 1: use session.patch
response = session_1.patch(

Create patched function

If you’re using the create function multiple times, you can create a new function with the same method

observed_create = session_1.patch(
obs_response = observed_create(

Keyword Argument

Alternatively, you can also pass the session into the LLM function call as a keyword argument. While this method works and is a bit more readable, it is not a “pythonic” pattern and can lead to linting errors in the code, as the base function is not expecting a session keyword.

# option 2: add session as a keyword argument
response2 =
    model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages, temperature=0.5, session=session_2

Recording Events

Outside of LLM calls, there are plenty of other events that we want to track. You can learn more about these events here.

Recording these events on a session is as simple as session.record(...)

session_1.record(ActionEvent(action_type="test event"))

Now let’s go ahead and end the sessions


If you look in the AgentOps dashboard for these sessions, you will see two unique sessions, both with one LLM Event each, one with an Action Event as well.