The AgentOps SDK Client


The AgentOps SDK works to provide as much functionality with as little developer implementation as possible. We accomplish this with a few principles.

  • Auto-Instrumenting
    • After calling agentops.init() we automatically look for installed LLM providers and auto-instrument their calls. This allows us to capture calls between your code and the provider to collect data for your dashboard.
  • Decorators
    • With Decorators, the SDK can add code to your existing functions and classes.
  • Process monitoring
    • The SDK establishes a couple process monitors that allow us to understand the state and health of your agents.


A Session encapsulates a singular execution instance of your workflow, bringing together all agents, LLMs, actions, etc., under one umbrella. Consequently, it is imperative for each event to be associated with a session. The AgentOps dashboard provides detailed insights at the session level, including costs, token counts, errors, and more.

Sessions possess the following attributes:

  • ID: A unique identifier for the session.
  • Project ID: Identifies the project associated with the session, determined by the API Key used.
  • Starting Timestamp: Marks the beginning of the session.
  • Ending Timestamp: Indicates when the session concludes.
  • End State: Signifies the success or failure of the session.

Optionally, sessions may include:

  • End State Reason: Explains why the session ended, whether due to an error or a user-triggered interrupt (SIGINT).
  • Tags: Tags allow for the categorization and later retrieval of sessions.
  • Host Environment: Automatically gathers basic information about the system on which the session ran.
  • Video: If applicable, an optional video recording of the session.

Session Management

AgentOps can exist in one of two states:

Single Session

  • • Only one session exists at a time. All agent usage is synchronous.
  • • Use cases: Scripting, development, local machine use (browser extensions, web client, etc)


  • • REST server
  • • Asynchronous agents

By default, AgentOps operates in single-session mode. All of the base SDK functions work as expected.

Under the hood, when you only have one session at a time, AgentOps can use functions like agentops.add_tags(...) and know that you want to perform the function on the one and only active session.

As soon as you create a second session, AgentOps enters Multi-Session Mode. As long as more than one session is active, the base SDK functions will no longer work.

If multiple sessions exist, you are expected to call the function on the relevant session. Ex

import agentops

For more documentation on using multiple concurrent sessions, please see Multiple Sessions and FastAPI Example.

LLMs, Tools, and Actions (Events)

Within AgentOps, LLMs, Tools, and Actions are categorized as Events, executed by Agents. Agents primarily initiate LLM calls, potentially leading to API/Tool calls, while Actions encompass any other significant procedures, such as executing functions, taking screenshots, etc.

All events share the following characteristics:

  • ID: A unique identifier.
  • Session ID: The session to which the event belongs.
  • Agent ID: Identifies the agent responsible for the event.
  • Parameters: The inputs provided to the event.
  • Returns: The outputs or results of the event.
  • Starting Timestamp: The time at which the event began.
  • Ending Timestamp: The time at which the event concluded.

Additionally, each event type has its own specific properties:


  • Model: The specific LLM model used.
  • Prompt Messages: The initial prompts sent to the model.
  • Completion Messages: The responses received from the model.
  • Prompt Tokens: The number of tokens used in the prompts.
  • Completion Tokens: The number of tokens in the model’s responses.
  • Cost: The cost incurred by the event.
  • Thread ID: Associates the event with a specific thread for execution tracking.


  • Logs: Records of the tool’s operation, including any outputs and errors.


  • Action Type: Specifies the nature of the action (e.g., function execution, screenshot).
  • Logs: Detailed records of the action’s execution, including parameters and outcomes.
  • Screenshot: If applicable, an image capture of the screen at the time of the action.


Errors are an inevitable aspect of operational processes. AgentOps comprehensively documents errors related to Events, providing a wealth of information for troubleshooting.

  • Error Type: The event type (LLM, Tool, or Action) the error is associated with.
  • Error Code: A specific code identifying the error.
  • Details: A detailed description of the error.
  • Logs/Stack Trace: Logs or stack traces capturing the error context.
  • Timestamp: The exact time the error occurred.


An Agent is an autonomous entity with its own memory and capabilities. In multi-agent frameworks, agents act as team members, each with specialized skills and responsibilities, such as project management, software development, and quality assurance, coordinating and communicating to achieve collective goals.

Agents are characterized by:

  • ID: A unique identifier for the agent.
  • Session ID: Links the agent to its associated session.
  • Name: A user-defined name for easy identification of the agent.

Optionally, agents may also have:

  • Logs: Textual records of the tasks performed by the agent.

Note: For events not specifically assigned to an agent, AgentOps will automatically create and assign a default agent.


Details coming soon.