All operations are automatically associated with the agent that originated them. Agents are given a name which is what you will see in the dashboard.

This operation is labeled with the name of the Agent that originated it

The example below creates an agent class with a custom name:

from agentops.sdk.decorators import agent

class MyAgent:
    def __init__(self):
        # Agent initialization
    # Agent methods

If you don’t specify a name, the agent will use the class name by default:

class ResearchAgent:
    # This agent will have the name "ResearchAgent"

Nesting Operations Under Agents

Operations performed by an agent should be decorated with the @operation decorator to ensure they’re properly nested under the agent:

from agentops.sdk.decorators import agent, operation

class ResearchAgent:
    def search_web(self, query):
        # Search implementation
        return results
    def analyze_data(self, data):
        # Analysis implementation
        return analysis

Session Context

Agents should be created within a session context to ensure proper tracing:

from agentops.sdk.decorators import session, agent, operation

class ResearchAgent:
    def perform_research(self, topic):
        # Research implementation
        return results

def research_workflow(topic):
    agent = ResearchAgent()
    return agent.perform_research(topic)
# Run the session
result = research_workflow("quantum computing")