All Events are automatically associated with the agent that originated them. Agents are given a name which is what you will see in the dashboard.

This event is labeled with the name of the Agent that originated it

The example below tags the agent MyAgent with name SomeCustomName.

from agentops import track_agent

class MyAgent:
    ... is optional.
If omitted, agent name defaults to the name of the class (e.g. MyAgent).
If an event does not originate from a tracked agent, agent name defaults to “Default Agent”.

Assigning Agents to a Session

If you are using multiple concurrent sessions, it’s important to assign a new agent to a session.

When the @track_agent() decorator is used on an agent class, it adds an additional keyword param session.

class custom_agent:
  def completion(self, ...):

session = agentops.create_session()
agent = custom_agent(session=session)


In this example, we create a custom agent class. We initialize an agent object and pass in the session to ensure the agent is assigned properly.