AgentOps and CrewAI teamed up to make monitoring Crew agents dead simple. Crew and AgentOps have a first class partnership, adding agent observability to all Crew runs with 3 lines of code. + AgentOps

CrewAI multi-agent framework with AgentOps support thumbnail

Crew has comprehensive documentation available as well as a great quickstart guide.

Adding AgentOps to Crew agents


Install the AgentOps SDK


Install Crew with AgentOps


Add 3 lines of code

Make sure to call agentops.init before calling any openai, cohere, crew, etc models.

Set your API Key as an .env variable for easy access.

Read more about environment variables


Run your crew

Execute your program and visit to observe your Crew! 🕵️

After your run, AgentOps prints a clickable url to console linking directly to your session in the Dashboard

Clickable link to session

Special Considerations with Crew

The Crew framework is capable of determining when all tasks have been accomplished and to halt execution. AgentOps will automatically end your active session when this determination is made. If you don’t want your AgentOps session to end at this time, add an optional parameter to your agentops.init() call.


Crew + AgentOps Examples